Our plan in the short term

We travel the world 1-2 a year to carefully chosen destinations. We find just a couple of things. The most important is to find products of high quality, different to what we are used to. Likewise, it is important for us to show respect towards colleagues, products and clients. This means that we base our trade on opinions according to our beliefs.

Our plan in the long term

We are not in a hurry, we allow ourselves time to analyse the situation. Fabulous World is a concept, which arose on a trip to India in January 2009. We saw many things, among others our fantastic bedcovers. We bought a couple for ourselves…but that was not enough, they kept following us, even in our dreams. There had to be a deeper meaning to it. It is for this reason Fabulous World became a reality. Our long term plan and dream is to create healthy and strong relations for mutual gains.

What is happening right now?

At the moment we are concentrating on Northern India and the Jaipur area. Jaipur is known for their tradition in manual work and according to other Indians Jaipur is also known as a trustworthy and hardworking area, basing their existence on quality and trade.
The craftwork is of great importance of the citizens, which means that they protect their brand and high quality products to continue to benefit from their good reputation.

Within short time you will be able to find a unique selection of wooden work. Everything is handmade by old tradition and it is produced in the famous Kashmir province in India.